A supernova disperses heavy elements throughout the universe, reincarnating the universe with new forms of atoms
These stellar behemoths, after exhausting their nuclear fuel, undergo a cataclysmic collapse, triggering a colossal release of energy. The resulting explosion emits intense light and heat, outshining entire galaxies for a brief period.
The Birth of a Hypernova
Even though supernovae are already extraordinary events, a few take them to the next level. These rare and immensely powerful explosions are known as hypernovae, powerful types of supernovae.
Collapsing stars form hypernovae when their cores collapse further, forming black holes. Hypernovae are some of the most luminous events in the universe due to the intense gamma-ray radiation produced by gravitational energy released during this process. A collapsar is another name for them. During this scenario, a massive star (30 solar masses) collapses to form a black hole, accretion disk, and surrounded by twin astrophysical jets.
The intense energy and neutron-rich environment of a hypernova could facilitate the rapid neutron capture (r-process) necessary for the formation of heavy elements.
Recent observations, particularly of neutron star mergers, have indicated that these events might be the primary source of many of the universe's heavy elements.
The pictured hypernova has been linked to gama ray burst GRB 980425, which was detected on 25 April 1998, the first time a gamma-ray burst has been linked to a hypernova. The hypernova is approx 140 million light years away, very close for a gamma ray burst source.
Scientific Reincarnation
The transformation of supernovae & hypernovae lies the remarkable metamorphosis of matter. Supernovae produce elements up to iron through fusion reactions.
Under extreme hypernova conditions, elements heavier than iron can be created through a rapid neutron capture process called the r-process.
This process occurs due to intense radiation and high-speed collisions within the hypernova, leading to the creation of elements like gold, platinum, and uranium.
The Impact on the Universe
The reincarnation of matter so to speak has a profound impact on the universe's composition.
These explosive events disperse newly formed elements across vast cosmic distances, contributing to the chemical enrichment of galaxies and the formation of future generations of stars and planetary systems. Heavy elements generated in hypernovae are crucial building blocks for life as we know it, emphasizing the interrelated nature of the universe.
Ponder the r-process
The r-process, or rapid neutron-capture process, is a set of nuclear reactions in stars that play a critical role in the formation of heavier elements in the universe.
Let's break it down
The r-process occurs in environments with a high density of neutrons. These conditions are typically found in extreme astrophysical events, like supernovae or the merging of neutron stars.
A neutron is captured very rapidly by atomic nuclei in these environments, which is a much faster process than beta decay of radioactive isotopes, in which a neutron decays into a proton over a long period of time. Atomic nuclei become heavier and more neutron-rich as a result of successive neutron captures.
As a result of rapid neutron captures (n-captures) and beta decays, an atomic nucleus captures a neutron, forming a heavier, more neutron-rich isotope of the same element.
The unstable neutron-rich nucleus may then undergo beta decay, converting a neutron into a proton and thus moving the nucleus one place higher on the periodic table.
Once the neutron flux subsides, the highly neutron-rich isotopes created by the r-process will not capture additional neutrons.
Then these unstable isotopes decay back toward the valley of stability through a series of beta decays and possibly other decay modes like alpha decay or fission, depending on their mass.
The r-process is responsible for creating approximately half of the elements heavier than iron in the periodic table. Elements like gold, platinum, and uranium are thought to be primarily produced by the r-process.
Studying the r-process helps astronomers understand the chemical evolution of galaxies. Observations of spectral lines in stars and the detection of gravitational waves from neutron star mergers provide insights into the r-process.
Despite its significance, many details of the r-process are still not fully understood. Astrophysicists and nuclear physicists continue to study this process to unravel the mysteries of element formation in the universe.
Origin of other elements
The periodic table displayed above is my favourite as it illustrates the origins of each element. Let's examine each event and identify the elements generated by each one. We will begin with the Big Bang.
Big Bang fusion: Elements such as Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He), and traces of Lithium (Li) were formed during the Big Bang.
Cosmic ray fission: Some lighter elements, like Beryllium (Be) and Boron (B), are created through the interaction of cosmic rays with heavier nuclei.
Dying low-mass stars: Elements such as Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N), and Oxygen (O) can be created in the cores of low-mass stars as they approach the end of their life cycle. The colours associated with these elements indicate this origin.
Exploding massive stars (supernovae): Many elements from Neon (Ne) to Iron (Fe) are produced in large quantities during supernova explosions.
Merging neutron stars: Some of the heaviest elements, such as Gold (Au) and Platinum (Pt), are thought to be produced during the merger of neutron stars.
Exploding white dwarfs: Elements like Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), and others can be formed during the explosion of white dwarfs, also known as Type Ia supernovae.
Closing thoughts.
To be honest, I find the journey of matter pretty inspiring. The fact that matter can undergo such a transformation is fascinating, and shows that without these cataclysmic events, we wouldn't be here.
These cataclysmic events not only shape the cosmos but also play a pivotal role in the creation of elements essential for life. By understanding and appreciating these processes, we gain deeper insights into our own origins and the interconnectedness of all matter in the universe.
As Carl Sagan put it, we are children of the stars.